144 Akenenic Cells

There are 144 akenenic cells in the thymus. The thymus shrinks after puberty in most people but simply tapping that area can “reactivate” it. Akeneic cells are infinite cells. Cells that never die. 144 as you know is a highly AU-spicious number. 144,000, 12 tribes of 12,000. Particles fluctuate in and out of the void (vacuum of space being the interface) 1,044 times a second. 144,000 mps in a particular measurement of the speed of light (nautical miles per second in water supposedly). 144,000 total lotus petals of the 7 main chakras. The word “Light” in Jewish gematria=144. The walls of New Jerusalem are said to be 144 cubits tall. The Rosicrucians believe there are 144 types of atoms in the universe. 144,000 variants per genome. Supposedly 144 genome variants. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. There’s a 144-faceted Christ consciousness grid around the earth. The 6 days of creation (144 hours). 1,440 degrees in the octahedron (air element in platonic solids. 144 is the 12th Fibonacci number. The first 144 digits of pi added together=666. So the general idea of 144 seems to be a zip file of light/creation. All in one in a sense. Back to the 144 akenenic cells in the thymus. These cells never die, so if we were to tap into (literally and metaphorically) the thymus gland, we would facilitate longevity. The thymus plays a huge role in governing the immune system. Immunity to physical death at some point? The Egyptians/Kemetians supposedly correlated the chakra above the crown (soul star chakra) with the thymus gland. Thyme=time. Thym can mean “mood.” Thymus=timeless?

When the pranic tube at the top of the head becomes shut down enough, we no longer take in as much prana/manna/chi through it to counteract the oxy-gen. See, oxy can mean “pointed” or “sharp” or “acidic.” Manna is alkaline. Oxy-gen (especially these days) has free radicals in it, which slowly decompose the atoms over time/thyme (along with gravity this causes aging). Manna (monoatomic elements) are atoms with two electrons that counter-rotate (microcosmic mer-ka-ba). Counter-rotation causes transmutation and levitation, which would counter or balance the oxy-gen/acidic intake that breaks down the atoms (once again, oxy can mean “acidic”). I figure “light beings” don’t breath oxygen, only prana. We become “hard headed” (pun intended) after 4-6 months old typically, when the soft spot on top of the head (correlating with the pranic tube) closes. This is a step towards worldly indoctrination into density consciousness. Then as mentioned, after puberty the thymus shrinks and becomes far more inactive. Pranic breathing techniques and re-energizing the thymus gland can assisnt in opening the pranic tube and the soul star, stellar gateway, causal and monadic chakras above the head and cause us to take in manna/monoatomic elements/prana/counter-rotating atoms in through the top of the head again. When you do this more and more, your appetite for food will decrease more and more because you will be getting the source of all nutrients. The 144/144,000 zipfile (pure white light/life force). Undifferentiated energy. Monoatomic elements from what I gather are close to being undifferentiated matter. An in-between state. In-between manifest and unmanifest, both sides of the veil. A step in and a step out of the void. Walking between worlds so to speak. Sounds like immortality to me. Monoatomic gold can in some instances cause levitation supposedly. What’s interesting is that there are .000441 karats in a pound. The King’s chamber of the great pyramid resonates at 441 hz (441 cube matrix). Reverse that .000441 karats per pound and you have 144,000. Metaphor for reversing gold bullion (metalic gold/cubic structured gold) back to monoatomic gold. Gold is a zipfile in that sense, the way I see it. All botanicals, and pretty much all organic matter has gold in it. Two neutron stars collide to shower gold onto the planets. Makes me think of the counter-rotating electrons that form monoatomic gold. The micro-merkaba of transmutation. Turning lead (bull-ion/golden calf/Baal allegory) into gold (manna/monoatomic gold). If you put gold in the king’s chamber of a pyramid, over time the gold will turn oily. That oil is monoatomic gold. The pyramid of Saqqara building ratio can do this, and most likey the great pyramid too. Now think of this in terms of immortality. If you were to sit in the king’s chamber, given you naturally have gold in your body, you will slowly become more monoatomic 🔯⚛️🔯⚛️ Interdimentional star gate. The 144 akenenic cells will reactivate and the pranic tube will open, causing you to become more “fluid”, in an inbetween state. Walking between worlds, both life and death/Daath/knowledge. Walking on this earth physically while your soul is eventually on the “other side” (internal AND external). Both sides of the Duat. Physical immortality. The Egyptians knew the spirit is eternal by default setting, but they practiced “conscious death” in order to make their light copy/ba/vessel eternal as well. Immortality, activating the light body. Not only raising kundalini but raising the Christ oil/Chrism back up the spine afterwards. I feel kundalini just paves the wave for the oil to rise essentially. That oil has monoatomic elements within it. There’s a substance the Essenes (Esse was a name for the Christos oil) known as the “semen of God.” Definitely an interesting topic to research. From what I gather it’s essentially monoatomic substance that they knew they produced naturally within but also knew how to concoct externally. The Egyptians used crocodile oil to anoint, allegorical representation of what they called “Messeh” which is where we get the word “Messiah.” Also the word “messenger” as in someone or something that carries coding, or intel or communication. In this case the messenger is the cerebrospinal fluid carrying communication throughout the body. When the oil rises to the thymus, the 144 akenenic cells reactivate. Thymus palpitations can occur which can feel strangely blissful. Body bliss in the top-middle of your chest. And the pressure on the top of the head can feel blissful too, and signals that the pranic tube is opening back up. Have you ever been in meditation and felt no need to breathe? It’s because you are breathing through the pranic tube. You can literally breathe through the pineal gland. This gives the body a break from the oxy-gen (acid/free radicals) that breaks down the physical structure over time. And the monoatomic elements being taken in through the pranic tube cause slight levitation, in the sense that gravity/aging weighs on you less and less. There’s beauty in aging too, don’t get me wrong. Funny thing is we all achieve the end result essentially, be it through death or what is known as physical immortality/conscious death. We all “return” to the same source that we never truly left. The heart is the portal back home (implosion), the pineal is the portal to further

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